
وهذا واضح اننا لا نتكلم نفس اللغه

قيل لي انه اذا كنت لا تملك اي شيء جيد ، لا اقول علي الاطلاق. وجزء مني (البوذيه الجانب يوافق علي ذلك. ولكن ، في هذه المرحله ، وانا محبط من هذه المدرسه بانني يجب ان الالتباس الذي يحصل فعلا. مثل كل انسان.


So, this semester has been kind of slow so far. I am not really into anything that I am working on at the moment and I am kind of just floating along, waiting for graduation. I am trying to work a shoot out where I shoot people doing copoeira @ around 350 fps for footage my reel. I am also working on a getting a solid group of models together to shoot a few things with RPS's Moviecams that look big budget.

I've been renting a lot of movie with Ali lately. We saw Hero, Good Night and Good Luck, I have to check out Gerry soon, etc.

Also, at Gretchen's suggestion, I checked out the work of Gregory Crewdson and quickly went out and bought the book. It's quite amazing how much freedom he has in lighting when working in such a film-like style. I wish, in film, a schedule could allow one to shoot something as carefully as Crewdson does with each of his stills...I am in awe.
Ali and I got Netflix and we have been wathcing a LOT of films. So far, we have watched over 30 movies (which are all archived) and are things I would have thought that I supposed to have been shown at any other film school.

I think it's kind of sad that the day of reckoning has seemingly arrived between "Narrative" and "art film" people at MassArt. I mostly feel this way because I think that either side has a valuable lesson to learn from the other as to how to modify their work to make it more interesting. On the art side, things are a little too wishy washy conceptually because of the very nature of the beast, whereas narrative is too rigidly tied to the rules of approaching moving images. IT goes either way. MY last entry, so fuck this..bye.