
B Movie in Austin, this summer

Man, I'm psyched to say that Glenn and I are definitely going to be doing a film come hell or high water this summer.
Here's some excellent quotes from our most recent correspondence.

"FUCK, I'M SO SORRY. I READ THAT PRIOR JUST RECENTLY, AND UPON OPENING UP MY EMAIL TO FINALLY REPLY, I GET THE NEXT ONE FROM YOU AND FEEL LIKE A DOUCHE.I myself HATE when people don't reply, and i left you hanging for a bit. Over something important.No, that's not the case. Of course you'll reside with me. Yeah, that was never a question. I'd be a huge dick to even hint at you finding your own squat. Yeah, man. OF COURSE my squat is your squat. That's always been my assumption as well. I can't apologize enough for that misunderstanding.What i was asking, probably in a real vague and jumbled manner, was what your more general plans were for the fall and on. Just trying to feel out if you have any vague handle on the city you're interested in. Here's why:My grandmother passed three weeks ago, and two weeks ago i went to austin for the funeral that weekend. I'd assumed up until then that I would move back permanently from the summer on, but going back, i saw that FOR EVERYTHING i can speak passionately about concerning that city, it's easily a black hole of unproductive partying. man, it really is. (you might be asking around now, "..And you want to make a feature in that city?" to which i reply, "Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes.") Anyway, returning to LA, i realized where i belong. LA.

What i was wondering was, are you interested in LA? I know you're life up until now has been new england-centric, and you have the girl, and A LIFE in new england. I can't live with my current roommates for another year, and vice versa. So i'm just feeling out potential roommates. Just flirting with various potentials. In wondering this, i'm presenting this option in the most open, figurative way.I don't take for granted the fact that you have some faith in this. Likewise, I have faith in you. I'm not foreign to the idea that you coming down and doing this is a HUGE commitment in more ways than one.

So yeah, god, as far as i'm concerned, whether this summer happens or not, you'll always be a lion among tigers in my book.

I almost feel like i have some nerve to further try and lure you into an LA living situation, until i come back to the concept that i'm simply letting you flirt with another option. That's what it is. After we make this movie, whenever it's finished, you have an option to try LA. It took me five or six months to call it home, cause moving your life isn't easy, don't ya know, but it would be an educated method of retaining that 'geeking-out, film school, i have to make cinema' excitement that goes with school. i lost that will for a while when i left, and i can vouch, it's EASY to fall into a post-school life with less of the dream. Honestly though, i'm not trying to steer your life. Just throwing you the logic i've picked up and stand by.And damn, I'M SORRY you're hearing from me in these long-winded, 'life passion' emails. I'm sorry I'm putting you in this position of hesitance, like, 'can i trust glenn's character past his words?'That is your decision.


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